The Brier.
Largest river in Aldren, the Brier flows down from the mountains of the south (born somewhere in the easterly half of the Valands), flowing northward down across the foothills and plains. It splits at Greybridge, where its flow goes to the Bay of Whispers as the Bayward Brier and to The Shear as the Ester Brier. The Ester Brier used to flow into Dustrad - now it does not.
An idyllic smattering of large freshwater lakes on Aldren's interior. Home to many small townships and communities, it's well known as a common place for resort estates of the wealthy, and as such, hosts many artisan collectives in the area.
A tiny farming village largely inhabited by halflings and gnomes, it has become overrun by artists in recent times seeking - and failing - to find sponsorship at Fisher's Castle.
Fisher Castle.
A castle-town situated in Fisher Lake, the largest of the Dribbles. Renowned for its fine luxury goods, lavish parties, and in particular, its cranberry wine, harvested in the island's lakefront marshlands. To exist here alone takes wealth, pedigree, talent, or some combination of the three.
A logging village near where the Brier descends from the Valands, they commonly drive logs downstream on merchant barges for use at the shipyards of Briermouth.
Fort Helmer.
One of the remnants of the Render's War. Isolated from much of civilization, in recent years it has become occupied by a company of bandits known as the Leadfeet. They have a particular reputation for harassing merchant boats heading back upstream for their gold earned in Greybridge and Briersmouth.
Hanning's Field.
A farming village caught at the edge of the Shear. Afflicted by the spelldrought of the Shear, as well as the changed weather of the region, many of its farms have shriveled up over the years. Instead, it has resorted to sifting the Shearwater for the crystal remnants of the spell that formed the Shear in the first place - a valuable commodity for the arcane of Aldren.
The Shear.
A massive canyon extending south from the Bleakwood down deep into the Valands. It marks the de facto border between Aldren and Dustrad. Before its creation, the waters of the Brier flowed across both countries, but now, the Ester Brier topples down into the stagnant Shearwater below. Due to the intense magics used to make it, the area around it is affected by a potent spelldrought, though concentrated fragments of the land's mana lay crystallized in the Shearwater.
Fort Forward.
The aptly named forwardmost fort of Aldren during the Render's War. It is still heavily occupied by Aldren military, serving as a forward station against any potential border assaults from the Dustradi. It exists at the only permanent bridge across the Shear.
A sizeable town made up partially of crystalsifters, merchants, and military families of folk stationed at Fort Forward. This is the only point of any legal trade with Dustradi merchants, and as such, it is in a better place than the isolated Hanning's Field. The Ester Brier flows directly through the center of the town, cascading in a waterfall at the end of the town square.
A center of domestic trade and travel in Aldren, while it is not the only crossing of the Brier, it is certainly the best maintained and best defended. Inns and hostels litter the streets, and there is a sizeable market made up of goods from all across the country. There are actually two "grey bridges" in the city - one across the Bayward Grier on the Crown's Road to the Dribbles, and one across the Ester Brier on a path north towards Downriver.
Smaller than Greybridge, this is still a bustling town, serving as a decent resting place and pass-through for folks who want to avoid the larger city. Due to the large military and mercenary presence through Greybridge, Middleton has more of a seedy underside, having a bit of a reputation for being a criminal crossroads.
Fort Feld.
Another remnant of the Render's War, Fort Feld is largely abandoned, though every now and then some band of squatters, crooks, or bandits tries to take up residence and needs to be driven out.
Tully's Tower.
The Ambling Tower of the Wizard Tully, its legs long-since crumbled due to the spelldrought of the Shear. People say the Wizard Tully, the Render himself, is still alive inside - but barely anyone dares or bothers to check. If he is, he never, ever leaves.
A rugged, worn town at the edge of The Bleakwood. Once a thriving centerpoint between the more isolated elven groups to the north, after the Brightwood became the Bleakwood following the Render's War, refugees dwindled those once-large communities to near-nothing. The few stragglers often want little to do with Aldren folk, so Bern stays worn, weary, and forgotten.
Fort Langley.
Once the northernmost Aldren fort in the Render's War, Fort Langley now stands as a guard post against any attacks from the Bleakwood, both from Dustradi trying to find a way around the Shear and from the monsters that seem to endlessly thrive within the thick, yellowed forest. It remains relatively well-staffed, and is largely the reason Bern is still occupied at all.
Capital of Aldren, Briermouth is the largest individual city, the second largest urban center, and the largest trade area in the entire kingdom. It is the main source of exports and imports into the city, its ports said to be busy at all times of day and night. Additionally, it hosts the main shipyards of the kingdom, as well as the Crested Palace, center of government and residence of the royal family.
Second largest trade area in the kingdom, Alder is a port city only rivaled by Briermouth itself. Where Briermouth is a racing metropolis, however, Alder is a quieter place, known for its laid back temperaments, good food, and popular music. It's a cultural jewel, the oldest city in the entire region with some of the most intricate and historical architecture. It is also the largest center of criminal enterprise in all of Aldren, but much of it remains in the background of the city.
Wesser and Ester.
Twin cities on the Hermit's Hook, Wesser and Ester are the largest urban center in all of Aldren. While they do have a significant trade presence across the Fallow Sea, they are even more known for being centers of scientific and philosophical thought. Ester is host to Wren University, the most prestigious school of higher education in the region, and Wesser has one of the largest networks of guilds and companies in the kingdom. They both also share strong ties to the Aerie, floating academy of the arcane, which is often seen travelling up and down the Hermit's Hook.