Pepper Krasniqi
The walk to the location outside L-9 was filled with voices. Pepper’s voice, Hades’s voice, Mikulass’s voice. They sang together to the sphere as they made their way down the path. All the while, Pepper thought about the recent developments. The last time she had been through here had been yesterday, with Jupiter in tow. It had been five days– the morning of the sixth, to be precise– since Pepper had last seen Cait, and yet so much had changed. Her encounter with Eurydice, her talk with Isaac, and her walk with Jupiter.
Cait didn’t know yet that she could talk to Hades. She didn’t know that their thoughts were occasionally one, and mostly their own. But if there was anyone who would understand this kind of weirdness, it would be Cait. Cait and her team dealt with weirder on a daily basis.
If Pepper was being honest with herself, she didn’t even really… mind the weirdness. She was already weird. You had to be weird when you could leave whenever you wanted to, but still chose to stay with the ACF. So no, she didn’t mind the weirdness. She didn’t even mind having someone else in her head. He was the most respectful “tenant” she could possibly hope for. He was quirky, he carefully made himself scarce when Cody was around, and he had a more observant eye than even she did. No, she minded none of that.
Maybe it was the fact that she didn’t mind any of it that she actually minded. But that also didn’t make much sense. There was no point minding the fact you didn’t mind. She cleared the thought from her head with a deep breath and stepped out the other side of the portal to find herself… Behind the coffee shop from their first coffee date. She looked up at the building, tilting her head to the side.
“Maybe it’s their… front? The ACF does those, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah, yeah maybe. I guess I’ll just… go inside.”
Pepper started to make her way around to the front of the building.