Of all the possible reactions that Matt could have expected, laughter wasn't one of them. His confusion was easily hid, though, by allowing a flash of hurt and anger to cross his face. He made sure to cover quickly, though, because he had more important things to deal with. Why, exactly, his story was one to laugh at was concerning for a number of reasons. Was Mary so unhinged as to be unapproachable or, worse, unable to be prosecuted? If she was that crazy to be laughing at that, she was more likely to spend the rest of her days in a mental institution rather than an actual jail. Assuming, of course, she did anything worthy of a prison sentence. Well, aside from the things that Pittsburgh PD had already either ignored or dropped the ball on, and that stuff would be an embarrassment for PPD if they brought it to court.
Still, though, Matt did as he was told. He followed diligently behind Mary, fully recognizing the song she was humming and allowing a smile to cross his face shortly before he also began softly humming it. He was careful enough to stop humming if she looked at him, of course, but he both enjoyed the song and also figured it might help establish a bit of rapport with his new potential boss. He was careful to keep a respectful pace behind Mary, enough that it was obvious that he was following but not so close as to be worrying or disrespectful.
As they entered the HQ part of the building, Matt was caught off guard. He wasn't sure what he had expected but it almost certainly wasn't this. To his credit, though, he kept the surprise from crossing his face. This place looked more like a hastily constructed field operations office rather than a functional HQ. The detective knew from experience, though, that the equipment mattered less than the combined skillset and willingness of a group to do violence. He knew better to underestimate the group, especially Mary, but he gave himself a stern reminder to remain focused and to not make that mistake again. The biggest concern, though Matt continued to hide it well, was that there was a line of tarps against the wall and it reminded him
distinctly of any number of LiveLeak executions.
After he was told to line them up, Matt's feelings of apprehension grew. There was no telling what direction this would go and he
hated that uncertainty. He started by simply stating "
Alright, guys, you heard her, line up for her." The response was a resounding assortment of "Get fucked," "We don't listen to you," and "Eat shit." He chanced a glance over at Mary and, seeing no indication that she was going to back him up and also seeing no indication not to yell or be more assertive, decided to change his gameplan.
He was careful to keep a measured response, especially considering he knew that any perceived experience would undercut his story of the pre-law student who was ready to go on an anti-meta rampage. He allowed his voice to falter as he spoke, as if finding his confidence given the circumstances. "
Come on! Get in a line! It's not fuckin' complicated! Do what she says and she'll probably let us do what we came here to do: clean up this fucking city!"
Augustus hated feeling mismatched, especially when it came to his equipment. It was this very feeling that he was dealing with as they walked into the meeting, primarily because his 'left' gun, holstered under his right shoulder, was a different weight and feel than his 'right' gun, which was holstered under his left shoulder. The mags on his belt were similarly different weights, a fact that caused Augustus no great deal of frustration as he walked. While he refused to carry any weapon he didn't do well with, enjoy, or even like, he
typically refused to split pairs of pistols. Typically being the key word.
When he was getting ready for this impromptu meeting, he had been shocked to discover that some of his equipment had suddenly gone missing. If he was the same man he was a few years ago, he would have absolutely punished anyone who might have even had access to his room because he had stressed in no uncertain terms that nobody was to touch his belongings. As he had changed, however, Augustus knew that none of his employees would
dare enter his room, let alone mess with his things. He often returned from trips with piles of deliveries, notes, and the like because everyone simply agreed that going in his room was a good way to meet an untimely end or, at the very least, become very uncomfortable for a long time.
As soon as he opened his case to put on his favorite pair of Five-seveNs, he knew that Victoria had helped herself to his gear. He didn't hate that fact, as he often told her to use his equipment because he knew that it was more dependable than most other guns she would find around her.
The fact that those idiots still haven't figured out how to properly clean it without using too much CLP is only part of the problem, Augustus thought with a frown that barely stood out from his normally angry face. What frustrated him, though, was that she didn't take
both pistols as he had told her to do if she wanted to use his things.
So instead of using a pair of Five-seveNs, he was using one FN pistol and one Sig-produced M17. Both had red dot sights, both had the ability to use full auto if Augustus desired, and both had used very expensive but very effective armor-piercing ammunition. Still, the weights were different, the way they felt under his arms were different, and just generally everything was different between them. He hated different.
The fact that he was so focused on this was part of why he almost missed what the guards had said to Carmen.
Almost. As Carmen and Mishka filed in behind him, he gestured to the latter to take his place at the lead of the group. Mishka gave him a subtle but questioning glance and the look at Augustus responded with was enough to kill most lesser men, though it softened after an instant and he got close enough to whisper. "
I have business to attend to, Mishka. Do what I ask, please."
Auggie stopped the pair of guards from closing the door, though he did allow it to almost completely close behind him as he stepped out to talk with them. He kept his leg and part of his left side in the room as he leaned out and dropped his voice to where only they could hear him. "
Gentlemen, I know it's difficult. You spend all that time in training and working for Uncle Sam only to end up in a shithole that looks like it's straight out of Ramadi using equipment that you got off of Wish and Craigslist. I respect your service. I served, too, and probably in the same spots. But if I ever hear you talk to my boss like that again, I'm going to make you wish you had been captured by ISIS and executed for the whole world to see. But let me get in here to this meeting, I'm actually important."
And before they could respond, Augustus withdrew into the room, shut the door, and kept scanning the room with all of his senses. He was listening, of course, but he was also watching. If someone was going to be caught off guard or surprised, it wasn't going to be him.