Recent content by Depressed Bridge Troll

  1. Depressed Bridge Troll

    Open The Den in WarsEnd: A solo adventure.

    In a far away place that's not important, in a time that will be forgotten shortly by the wider world. Is a town called WarsEnd. In this town is a dusty and private people, their hovels humiliating and plain; and their lives dull and uninteresting. The forest had long overgrown and started to...
  2. Depressed Bridge Troll

    Riddle Me This

    It walks at night. It sleeps at day. For travelers, it waits and stays. Not a man, yet more than beast. And on flesh and metal, can it feast. It offers hints, and its dangers well known. Yet adults meet it warnings with guffaws and groans. What is it? Take your time: Guess...