Every Thursday night for the last month, Sam and Spork had met up at “Urban Oasis” for drinks. Sometimes, they sparred as well. For someone who had tried to kill her only four weeks ago, Spork was actually pretty chill. She found she didn’t mind them and their antics, and actually really enjoyed their company. It was nice, having a friend roughly her own age. It seemed more and more that Sam was either training and meeting teenagers, or spending most of her time with Todd now that they’d sorted everything out. She couldn’t say she minded either all that terribly, and especially given the recent turn in her relationship, she really didn’t mind it.
Still, it was nice having someone like Spork around. Someone rowdy, bold, and loud. They definitely made Sam loosen up a lot when they hung out. She still wondered if she’d ever meet this Mari that Spork mentioned occasionally. Seemed like they were really good friends. Then again, for as much as Sam gushed about Todd, she hadn’t thought to bring him along yet either.
Although maybe that was because she didn’t quite want him seeing her that stupidly wasted.
Especially when he found out how much alcohol it actually took to get her that drunk.
It had gotten fairly well known by the staff that Sam was a bit of a big-ticket spender when she came in. After all, she didn’t drink outside this, and she was pretty sure the way she processed alcohol meant she would never become an alcoholic. She was sober by the time she went to bed, most nights. The twenty-minute walk home gave her plenty of time to sober up if she drank enough water. She was also sure her stomach might be made of steel for the amount she could drink and not throw up.
Sam arrived at the bar a little earlier than usual and wasn’t surprised to find Spork hadn’t made it yet. Her hair was tied up in a pair of twin braids with little ribbons at the end. Unlike usual, she wore a cute pair of brown slacks and a turtleneck under her winter coat. Not like she needed either, but better to blend in. Normally she’d arrive in work clothes, but she had just come from a rare date with Todd and hadn’t bothered to change quite yet. Not like Spork would be able to tell the difference, she thought with a small smile. A bit mean, but then again Spork did try to commit a hit on her. So, all things even, really.
“A White Russian, please. I’ll be starting a tab.” She set her card down on the counter for the bartender– god was this the one who hit on her the first week, poor gal– who flashed her a bit of a flirty smile and nodded, getting to work on her drink. Now all that was left was to wait for Spork.