Story Collector
The day before their last is spent wherever and whenever else they can think to go. For a while now, they’ve only returned to the present to sleep or recover, a few hours snatched here and there before they retreat back into the past. Dragging a single day into several leaves them exhausted and worn thin, but it’s better than sitting around waiting. They become virtually unreachable in their present time, dropping all obligations that aren’t strictly necessary.
They never were the best at texting people back, but they haven’t even checked their messages in weeks. Better not to try to maintain those connections when… well, they’ll be gone soon enough. Many days and nights are spent composing explanations they could offer, excuses or lies or the truth, rare thing that it is. Somehow, they find enough words to put in line to write letters to their friends. It doesn’t feel like enough, but they send them out regardless, dropping the letters into the correct mailboxes before they can think better of it. There is no return address, just names scrawled on the front of lime green envelopes.
Their time is running out, no matter how much Lark tries to stall. Despite their powers, they are anchored to the present, and they can’t avoid returning to it. They can do nothing to stop the sand from falling through their fingers.
Even the tense anticipation of summer was easier than this, but now the sun is hidden behind heavy clouds, and a layer of snow blankets the ground. The air has a bite to it, burning their lungs when they take too deep a breath. They breathe anyways, letting the chill cool their head as they wrangle their thoughts in order.
What if they just… don’t show up? They know how this plays out. What if, instead of stepping into this dreadful office building, they leave? They can just go to a park or a beach or anywhere, really. Anywhere but here.
Time really is the cruelest mistress. Perhaps, in another version of today, they turn around and walk away, and everything works out just fine. But they can already feel the significance pressing in around them, refusing to let them give up that easily. They can’t hop between timelines, only double back on their own or roll the dice venturing into the past.
Lark closes their eyes for a moment, takes another burning breath, and shoulders the door open, pushing forward into the empty building. Everyone in this office is on break for the holidays. The lock on the door has been busted for three days, but no one has gone through it in that time, and so it went unnoticed.
The building is quiet, and the door seems terribly loud in comparison as it swings shut behind them. The air is slightly musty, but it’s warmer than standing in the growing snowstorm outside. Snowflakes are melting in their hair as they look around the stairwell they’ve found themself in. They go up the stairs to the second floor, but hesitate once more just before the door.
What if they… don’t? Take whatever consequences Time will throw at them, in favor of seeing another day. But the choice is made for them as a chime rings out in their mind, and a hand grabs at the fabric of their sweatshirt.
“Come on, don’t do this,” their twelve-year-old self pleads, their voice loud in the echoing stairwell. “You know what happens, why are you even here?”
“Because I have to be,” they reply, but their attention is split. They can already hear rustling from beyond the door, and she must know that they're here. They can’t give her too much time to prepare, even if their stealth is already blown. They twist open the door, and their younger self disappears with another chime and a frustrated huff.
Their shuriken are cool between their fingers, and they waste little time in throwing out the first as soon as she enters their field of vision. Enough waiting.
Note: Ported from old site for archive purposes; original written May 11, 2022 - May 27, 2023.
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