Location The Diamond

This is an in-universe location thread.



The Clark Building has been famous in Pittsburgh for some time. It’s home to a series of apartments, and the ground floor is composed of several shops. Or, well. It used to be. Now, it’s composed of a single bar. That bar is the Diamond, recently opened by the state's own James Fielding. He bought out the three floors above, and several of the shops along the ground floor, expanding the original bar’s location to take up the ground floor and part of the second floor.

The building’s theme is an upscale dark interior with dark wood accents and majorly black furniture, especially on the first floor. Downstairs, there are larger tables and a looping bar for bigger groups to sit at. The walls are lined with secluded booths, all in black and dark oak like the rest of the downstairs. A large black and dark oak staircase lines the right-hand side wall of the bar, leading up to the second floor, where a large central section of the floor has been removed to make the space feel more open.

The upstairs houses the actual bar and the small kitchen in the back. Behind the bar is a tight and steep staircase down into the cellar, where many of their more popular restocks and their more expensive bottles reside. The bar itself is lined with a backlit rack of everything you could possibly want, including a small fridge of energy drinks and juices and sodas, to use as mixers. The hightop bar has tall, leather stools in a lighter tan shade than the rest of the decor, which remains mostly dark oak.

One side of the second floor is entirely windows, offering a lovely view of the rest of the block and beyond. The general lighting could be described as moody, but bright enough to see what you’re doing, as the owner doesn’t want any kind of injuries from people not being able to see the staircase. One time was plenty. The music is soft, and the bar mostly plays droning music that borderlines goth and easy listening simultaneously. The music is often attributed to the female bartender, who goes by Lazuli to most of the clientele. The male bartender, Raphael, tends to shrug it off and gesture in her direction when asked about it.

The bar had quickly become a hotspot for both casuals and businesses alike. With its offering of secluded booths downstairs, many higher-end clientele often come by to conduct business meetings. All booths are available, with the exception of the very far back booth on the right-hand side, beyond the stairs. That booth, as many of the bargoers know, is reserved for Mr. Fielding himself, who can be found there during the day conducting his own business, dressed in dark suits with his red curls combed back from his face.

The owner is known for being friendly and talking to the clientele when he isn’t busy working. James is just as likely to chat you up as he is to disappear up the outside staircase into the upper floors of the building. No one is quite sure what’s been done to the apartments upstairs, only that he seems to live there, as do both the primary bartenders.

The parking outside is generous- after all, this used to primarily be an apartment complex. With the exception of a closed-off garage and fenced-in area, the entire back lot is used for free parking so long as you’re at the bar. The bartenders, however, have been known to be strict with watching who’s been drinking, and after your second drink, if you try to drive yourself home, security is liable to take your keys and return them to you in the morning when you’re sober. After all, they make their drinks strong at the Diamond.

Why don’t you come inside and relax for a little while? After all, you’ve had a hard day, haven’t you?

Drinks Wanted

Lexi was a forgetful sort. A nature made more potent by often being high enough to be blitzed out of her mind. And that nature was made worse by having a hole in her head. Well a empty spot of brain matter may be the more accurate terminology. She wasn't leaking brain juice or anything she was just a high, insane woman with a scar of being shot in the head. ANYWAYS!

Few nights ago she had been looking for snacks. That turned into a heist to try and stop. That turned into thinking cops pulling up help the heist. This eventually would become to getting high sniffing paints, shooting people in the hand and then running away. Hard to know how everything turned out but in the end she wasn't dead. Now she was at the start of a new night. What she wanted most was to get trashed. Well really to get so drunk and high she ended up maybe in a strangers home or in a bar fight. Both a fantastic outcome in her delirious mind. A dodge charger pulls into a parking lot. The plates were different than the ones at the gas station. Stolen from someone else's ride of a similar make. It wasn't going to cover her tracks forever but she wasn't a long term planning sort. For now she figured it would do.

Looking in the mirror she straightend her hair some. Then ran her hands through it, as her fingers moved the color went from all blue to left side blue right black. Designed to help mask what cameras might have caught as well as she thought just looked neat. Her eyes were just a very bright blue at the heist. So with a giggle she poked herself in the eyes. It came with a "boop."

Just like that her left eye was a soft violet and the right an almost glowing bright blue. She ditched her top in the front seat to rummage through the trunk to retrieve a clean shirt. Her skinny jeans were fashionably ripped mostly, more unintentionally in some spots. She picked a black crop top with some waifu in barely covered attire. Honestly Lexi didn't even know the anime of that one just liked the questionable art. With this she grabbed her backpack and headed toward the bar.

Closer she got the louder the music was and more the black and blue haired psycho tried to move to it. She was more about hyper pop and chaotic noise but she tried to find a rhythm. This was a dance that spoke of someone who probably could if they were not high as a kite. A fumbling grace, with jank and hints she would rather rave than do ballet. Entering the bar she hops unto a stole at the bar and rummaged through her bag for her funds. A twenty crumpled lands on the counter. "Don't think the voices in my head can pay. So how many shots can this get me and the voices in my head."

Onyx didn't often come to pittsburgh, having been stationed in the Twin Cities since joining Slate. There had been no one better to take up leadership there, thanks to an extensive working knowledge of the area and local gangs. But, Obsidian had called her back to home base. Saphire was handling things, managing Aggie, Bismuth and Peridot in her absence.

Onyx didn't come to relax however. She wasn't the type of person who took time off, or relaxed easily. It was better to keep busy, and satisfied her need to work by helping Hemie at the Diamond. She dressed more casually than usual when bartending, a turtleneck t-shirt, jeans and heeled boots. Her iron grey hair was pinned off her face. Her bared arms revealed a tattoo of a rattlesnake coiling up to her shoulder.

She was cleaning glasses when the door swung open and a patron entered, a woman who vaguely reminded her Lapis- blue and black hair and weird clothing. The carefree, unhinged demeanor. Onyx knew to keep an eye on her, and regarded the woman, taking her money and silently pouring a stiff vodka and sliding it over to the customer with a napkin. She widened her eyes as if to ask, "Anything else?"

Onyx looked around for Hemie. He was better at dealing with customers than she was. She usually hung around only to clean and assist.
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Drinks Wanted

The current bartender was what Lexi would call cute casual. Lexi liked bars staff and customers more got to dress themselves. There were jobs some would say greater or clubs more luxurious. Those didn't have the air to them that the Lunatic didn't savor as much. More curious though was the ink, Lexi enjoyed tattoo art. Such things told stories, the only rival in story telling being a good scar. The art of the arm was a snake the work pretty but the kind of snake was what the gunslinger lingered on. A rattle snake had a warning it wasn't the deadliest or a king, a distinction the loon dwelled on as she picked up the glass.

She tipped her direction in a cheers gesture then downed it. The motion far to exaggeratedand nearly having her fall from her seat in the grandiose lean back. Returning to a normal sitting position she slid closer toward the bartender. Nobody was hanging with Lexi or trying to rizz her up. This meant the deranged lapis haired woman needed to seek out her own company.

"Another round and some company? Names Lexi! I just got out of prison looking to make a new start for myself ya know? No idea what though, murderous felon who's clinically insane doesn't get the best results. Know anybody hiring? Or people just to party with." The bruised haired lady seemed constantly animated as she spoke. An enthused offer for a highfive as she gave her name. A spin in the chair as she mentioned thoughts. A casual shrug at talk of being a felon. It was almost like Lexi couldn't sit still to save her life.

"You can join if you want! When you off? Haven't lived till tried seven different drugs at a rave where half the folk aren't dressed. Haven't partied till the party ends with a molotov and someone's hair on fire!"

Onyx raised a brow. She dealt with weird types all the time. Given her experience, this lady was two steps from the asylum, or methed out beyond belief. The woman was certainly talking about drugs very openly and carefree. She glanced around the bar once more, ignoring the patrons high five, looking for support. Just like dealing with people, Hemie or Lapis would be better at kicking someone out- unless things got violent. But Onyx would rather not have to unholster the side arm concealed around her ankle. Or puppet the body out of the bar.

She poured herself a shot, downing the vodka in a single gulp, whether it was allowed or not. If she had to kill this customer she wasn't going to do it completely dry. Onyx returned to cleaning glasses, keeping an eye on the woman, and after a moment, slid over a bowl of peanuts.
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Drinks Wanted

"Not a big conversationalist are you? Is it me are you more into under dressed blonds?" She twirled a lock of black hair in her fingers. The motion of which lead the color to change that lock of hair drifting into a platinum blonde. Lexi wasn't just going to rip up clothes on a whim but it seemed to show in her eyes she was willing to. Lexi had an air to her of willing to do a lot in the pursuit of approval. She'd almost seem desperate for validation if not for clearly also being manic. In the end shenwas cursed constantly wishing to be wanted by others, yet always unapologetically herself in all the anarchy that seemed to promote.

There was an eagerness found as peanuts slid over. It wasn't exactly difficult to crack such a thing open, yet Lexi seemed diabolically pleased to break things. Her head tilted to better hear the sound slightly giggling at the noise. "Like little bones, what's that peanut mascots name? Think if real and saw this he'd be traumatized? You ever do that break bones and stuff? Think my biggest time breaking bones it the whole shot in head thing. I'd recommend not breaking your skull open like that."

The rambling coming with a gesture to a scar on her forehead. It was clearly at a point with a bullet of such size it should have been fatal. Odds of surviving it would have been incredibly slim. Those who did survive such probably wouldnt be all that functioning of a person. Then again given all her eccentricities maybe calling her "functional" was a stretch.

No, Onyx was not particularly conversational. At least not to most people. She was mostly restricted to ASL and writing down things when needing to communicate, and even then she preferred minimal conversation witht those outside her team and Slate. But she wasn't about to get into all that with a customer. Onyx merely moved her hands in the air, and signed, "I'm not into blondes." Hopefully that would get the message across.

Unbeknownst to the clingy customer, Onyx wasn't really into anyone. The girl would have had much better trying to seduce Lapis. The change of hair color was was interesting though. A shapeshifter? Some kind of meta for sure. Probably to crazy for Slate, but a potential problem she'd have to speak to Obsidian and Quartz about in case she returned.

Onyx continued to listen as she cleaned glasses, pretending not to listen. Of course she'd broken her bones many times, but there weren't any scars. Even the bones themselves bore no evidence of damage, like with this womans injury. Onyx was familiar enough with a gunshot wound to the head, but surviving one like that...she took a breath. A lady like this was a meta, and likely to have a healing factor, rather than to have been healed by another meta.

Marco wasn't in Pittsburgh.

Onyx raised her brow at the woman again. She wasn't about to break her skull open any time soon.
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Drinks Wanted

Her mix colored eyes watched the signs. She wanted to understand and it suddenly clicked. It was obvious she didn't understand the signs when first shown them. Her left eye twitched though and then her hands mirrored the signs from moments before. It wasn't just context clues it was clear Lexi was learning. She tried to remember the movies or shows she had seen with the use of sign language. With that more of the words started coming to mind. "You really don't make flirting easy."

Lexi made the remark and managed to sign most of it. Was more of "flurry sting" near the end though. She didn't know the sign for that one at least not yet. "Can tell not the most talkative. Mind saying little more in sign? Bit more work and think I can learn it myself."That was probably the most coherent the blue haired anarchist had been sense showing up. Her attention actually seemed held on the moment instead or wandering aimlessly.

"I like to think it more ambition tethered than reality warping but I'm very good at picking up on skills or making some changes. If I want something I can usually manifest that. So like now wanting to learn a language I quickly can do so. What about that? That any hotter do psycho party tricks get me anywhere further flirt wise?" She said in sign "ant ignition" instead of ambition. Said "work" instead of warp. She properly signed flirt second time however. Her understanding of the language rapidly growing in that moment of lone. Of course better she got the more her usual obnoxious eccentricities began to bleed through.

Onyx watched the woman sign with interest, allowing herself to feel amused at the mishaps in her sign, but also understood the meaning. The woman could pick up languages easily, and described her ability as adjacent to reality warping, which explained the change in hair color.

Onyx, however, wasn't a fan of the incessant flirting. This is why she preferred animals, they were a lot less annoying, and a lost less persistent when trained. Not that any of her pets needed training. In her purse, sitting behind the bar, she had a small container of her pets. Spiders, centipedes, beetles. Xeno the Eight and Rico were stored in containers under her bed upstairs. She didn't think Hemie would approve of keeping a Taipan near the Bacardi.

But at least then she might have been able to scare off this woman. Onyx begrdugingly complied to the womans request, and signed again. "Can you at least give me your name if you're gonna harass me..."

"I'm Susanna."
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Drinks Wanted

"Well I do like to put the ass in harrassment." This was a lie, her figure was athletic sure but it wasn like she had much cushion when sitting down. Was more tweaker who works out basically. Still Lexi tried to have a humor about things."Just teach me how to say fuck off if want me to go. Ain't looking to harass though just convo. You can only talk to the voices in your head for so long know what I mean?" For what it was worth her fluency was improving already. She paused at some words but didn't trip on them. Besides the fact word she seemed to sign for every word said. Her speed also was improved signing the words as she spoke rather than lagging behind some.

"Nice to meet ya Susanna I'm Lexi. Recently out of jail and looking to make friends. I can try and behave can take a hint, but im also kind of forgetful. Side effect of a hole in the brain sometimes the memories they just fall right out." Her remark came with an animated gesture of things just falling out of her head when she tilted it to the side.

While the bruise haired anarchist could try and bottle some of her behavior one thing she clearly struggled with was shutting up. The glass was finished off, hoping the money provided allowed more drinks to flow. "Don't seem a people person, so ya a pet person then? I always wanted a pet but nobody thought I could be a good owner. Ha can you believe that thinking me unresponsable? Sure I tried to give a friends bunny Trix, but in my defense thats what the damn adds say rabbits want! How was I to know?"

Onyx poured herself a shot of rum. She'd need more alcohol if this woman was gonna keep talking. The liquid burned all the way down her throat before she set the glass firmly back on the counter.


Onyx signed back, "Hello, Lexi..." She thought for a moment about what Lexi had said. It was no secret to those close to her that she preferred creatures over people. Maybe she was fundamentally broken in the head like this pathetic woman was, and it was just a matter of figuring out if she was born that way, or if it was something that happened after...

She shook the thought from her mind and leaned over to pour Lexi another drink, the collar of her shirt adjusting slightly to reveal the edges of a nasty scar. Onyx didn't notice, and shrugged, "I do like animals. And insects...reptiles are my favorite."
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Drinks Wanted

"Cold blooded and less noisy sort. Makes sense." Lexi remarked in jest, trying to make friendly jabs at one's expense. "Me I always wanted a penguin, aa real dapper little dude you know? Don't think can have one of them as a pet though. Probably would have to settle for a dog or something. Unless."For a moment her eyes had gone wide and a gasp escaped her. By now as well Susanna or anyone who had met the lunatic for more then a few minutes would know where her head went. The crazy lady was considering a kidnapping job at a zoo. Of gunslinger her way through the entrance and opening cages. In her own mind she road the back of a tiger machine gun in hand and penguin in her lap just chilling.

Just real rational thoughts and well laid out plans by a very rational lady.

Mix colored eyes caught sight of the scar as she reached over to enjoy the drink. A moment taken to savor the liquid before she would ask. Flirting was off the table so Lexi tried not to stare or be weird about it. Maybe though given who she was though it couldn't be helped. "Haven't taught me how to say f off in sign so going to chance it. Curious as I am about your pets I noticed a scar? What's the story there? Mines from a bullet." The question came with one of Lexi's painted nails gesturing to herself and running along where the scar was in comparison. She figured suggestion better then pointing it out. A giggle escaping the bruise haired gunslinger as she mentioned her own scar. Lexi perhaps being just a hint to jovial and cavalier about discussing head trauma.


It had taken Hemie far too long to find the last bottle of cinnamon schnapps buried in the back of the liquor storage. To be fair, it wasn’t exactly a flavor they used a lot of. But finally, after what felt like thirty minutes of searching, Hemie found the bottle and started back up the stairs. He was humming to himself as he stepped back into the low lights of the bar. Just as he had left it, with one exception.

Onyx was talking to a girl with wild blue hair. Something about the interaction didn’t look fully consensual, as if his friend was being held against her will in the conversation. The blue-haired woman seemed animated, and Hemie just about let it go, knowing that Onyx could help herself, when those words reached his ears.

“Curious as I am about your pets I noticed a scar? What's the story there?”

Hemie immediately turned and walked in their direction, a smile on his face. His dreads fell in front of his face for a moment as he pulled up next to Onyx, and then he pushed them back from his face. His green eyes were unusual and oddly bright against his deep skin. “Hey, sista, dontcha know it’s rude to be askin’ about somethin’ like that?”
Drinks Wanted

Lexi wasn't opposed to staying in conversation with Sussana quite the opposite. After all while the hellion was always drawn to alcohol and drugs she did choose a bar not to just rob a gas station. What she really desired was company someone to turn to for friendship or late night mistakes. Or even an enemy made who would want her dead. Barfights could be a turn on, the point was the weirdo desired being wanted. To find someone or something to quell the voices in her head. They were approached by someone with dreadlocks.

Lexi wondered if she could pull of dreads.

"I love the hair! Hi! Hello! Flirty salutation!" She remarked overly animated and extending a hand for a shake or fist bump, maybe a high five? She liked high fives. Point was Susanna seemed very don't touch me in her mannerisms. But this newcomer didn't seem necessarily as distant. So the psycho looked to seize the oopportunity.

"Do I have to be a sister? Sounds less beneficial then I'd like. Wouldn't mind family though. Mine is uh...womp womp. ANYWHO! Not trying to be offensive just curious. Scars have stories I like stories. Maybe you have a story for me, she's not to talkative think I annoy her. Ha."She figured she could extend the opening to pull the nutcase away. Give the friend of Susanna a chance to help, Lexi understood her company wasn't for everyone. She also just struggled to let go if there was only a singular option."Right should introduce myself probably. I'm Lexi, recently free from prison and in need of friends. And a job. And either good company or really copious amounce of substances. And well a lot of things really. Am I over sharing? Lot of people say I do that."

Onyx didn't answer Lexi's question, and turned her back to the woman to grab the damp towel she used to clean the counters. As if she had heard nothing. Most people stopped trying to talk when she acted like she couldn't hear them. The sign language helped with that.

By the time the towel was in her hands, Hemie was already beside her, telling off the blue-haired freak for asking inappropriate questions. Hemie was always a little overprotective of her ever since they had met in St. Paul when Obsidian had decimated Marco's gang. Onyx gently rested a hanf on his forearm, her own way of saying that she was alright. The question hadn't harmed her.

In response to Lexi's desire for copious amounts of substances, Onyx poured her another shot.

Maybe a couple more, and it would knock the woman unconscious.