Ned Gorshun
New member

"I've got a bad feeling about this."
That old saying seemed to sum up Ned's life. The Nar Shaddaa dread. It was a big galaxy out there, and everyone wanted what you had. The more he gained, the more he stood to lose. But, concurrently, the more he lost, the bigger his debts became, and the bigger his debts became, the larger the price on his head. Poverty was a death spiral and he wasn't exactly liquid right now. The only asset to his name was the Fresh Pursuit, and he'd never sell her - not even to save his life.
"Dwoo-wee", his T3 unit chirped, resting idly on the other side of the cantina table. In sharp contrast to the nervous smuggler, T3-K7 was chipper as the day he'd come off the manufacturing line. The utility droid's photoreceptor clicked and whirred as the droid's head spun around, looking for their contact in the seedy bar. It'd encouraged Ned to try his hand at Sabacc, but he was more than positive that he'd be accused of cheating, then killed. The other patrons had that hungry look in their eyes.
Outside a starship, he felt vulnerable, like a brain without a body. He'd already mapped an escape route back to the hangar bay, if things got dirty.
His contact was about a job. High stakes, low detail. Part of him thought it was a ruse to take him in - a setup. The latest figure, he'd heard, was a bounty of twenty-five thousand credits. That was enough to draw takers all the way from the Mid Rim. But what he was being offered in exchange for this meeting, surface-side, was plenty more. At least, that was what the holo said.
There was an off chance this was Jedi business. That...could pay big.
Hand on his gun, concealed under the table, he did his best to relax and survey the other patrons. A motley collection of sentients. He was one of only a few humans in the room, which was itself thick with the smell of alcohol and smoke. Slythmongers prowled the periphery of his vision, but any of them could be a bounty hunter in disguise.
Once he had the job - once he was back on his ship - he'd be safe. Nothing could catch the Fresh Pursuit.
It was just a matter of surviving until he was back aboard.
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