Venus is glad her mom was able to convince her school to let her take courses at the college. There’s just so much SCIENCE that they hardly touch on in high school, and she was getting really tired of not being able to run any lab experiments. The only kind of sucky thing is that she can’t just take chemistry. Her advisor kept going on about ‘a balanced education’ and ‘prerequisites’ and ‘course pathways’, and somehow she ended up with a debate class thrown into her schedule for some social sciences credits. (And no, social sciences are not the fun kind of science, but she decided to give it a try anyway.)
She’s still undecided on if she likes this class; sometimes it feels like she’s talking too much, and at other times it doesn’t feel like nearly enough. The professor is nice at least, and he’s only pulled her aside a few times to tell her that no, she can’t fit a five minute tangent about reagents into the middle of class debates, no matter how she ties it into her argument.
Today’s class was weird, though. They were setting up for a debate about metahumans, and whether they should all be forced to officially register their powers. She knows that’s how they do it in some other countries, but the concept never really sat right with her. When she was assigned to the ‘for’ side, she didn’t really know what to do, so she ended up mostly listening to everyone else’s ideas for how to present their argument.
Well, class is over now, but she’s still really stumped on what her own argument would be, if she even has one. Maybe talking to someone assigned to the other side will help. She lingers at her desk even after she’s packed her things up, watching the current of students move out of the classroom. Hmm, who should she talk to?
Oh! There! Venus spots a girl around her age who is also lagging behind the main press of people, and makes her way over. “Hey! Do you have a class after this?”
Beatrice didn't mind debate class usually, but today unsettled her. The topic was on metahumans, and the registering of their abilities. She wasn't sure how she felt, especially given her own interest in a metahuman cure. Her experience being attacked on more than occasion by metahumans. For sure, Beatrice definitely felt it more of a good idea than bad for powers to be registered, so when her professor assigned her to the "against" side she was a bit lost.
She couldn't think of a good reason they shouldn't be monitored. Not after what she did.
Beatrice turned around as someone called after her. Venus would see an 18 year old with black hair, heavy make-up and her arm in a sling. Beatrice wore glasses even though she was inside, and her clothing was more business casual than a normal college student would wear.
" I don't. Can I help you?" Bea asked. "You're...Venus right?"
“Yep!” Venus beams, her smile lighting up her face. Her curly red-brown hair bobs into her eyes, and she brushes it back behind her ear with a quick hand.
She bounces between her heels and her toes while she talks, her hands lightly balanced on the back of an empty chair. Her eyes don’t linger on Beatrice’s cast, instead focused on the girl’s glasses in an attempt to look in the general area of her eyes. “I was wondering if you could spare a few minutes to talk about the debate. I’m not trying to get, like, any insider info or anything, but I’m really stumped and not sure what I’m gonna do for the homework! I wasn’t really drawn to the ‘pro’ side, but I guess that’s just how it goes!”
It was always best to start her homework early, after all, and for Venus that meant she typically got to it right after class. But not having any ideas tended to lead to sitting around in the library unproductively. Even though the libraries here are really nice, and have a ton of interesting books, she really should be productive if she wants to balance her schoolwork and her burgeoning hero career.
She taps out a beat against the plastic chair, barely remembering to use the pads of her fingers rather than her colorfully-painted fingernails. She’s trying to remember that the noise sometimes upsets other people, and it’s best to practice good habits all the time!
Beatrice doesn't mind Venus's nail clicking and doesn't mention it, instead focusing on her words- question really.
She wanted to talk about the debate for their homework assignment.
Beatrice balked, not really wanting to talk about powers of all things. There ran too high a risk of her own abilities being revealed if Venus got her talking. Especially with her powers fritzing, and activities regarding Redblood and other powered people. Like the man who attacked her, and the monster in the park.
She was about to say "no" but took a breath. She had been assigned the same homework, might as well get a head start. Beatrice checked her watch- she didn't need to get back to the company for a few more hours, " it turns out I'm not one for the position I have to take so this might help."
Bea adjusted her glasses, "Do you wanna go to the library?"
Venus is about to retract her offer, seeing the look on the other girl’s face, but she holds her tongue. It’s more rude to interrupt someone, even if you’re trying to correct for your own mistake, right? Hmm, maybe she’ll make a flow chart for that later.
It turns out she was right to hold off, anyways. Venus’ smile brightens at the agreement, and she releases the chair to grab the strap of her book-bag and sling it over her shoulder. “Sounds good to me!”
She leads the way to the door with a spring in her step, waving her goodbyes to their professor. He doesn’t look up from the papers he’s sorting, but it’s the thought that counts. She pushes the door open and holds it with her foot so that it doesn’t swing in Beatrice’s face. “So, what’s your major?”
It’s one of those college ice-breakers that tends to crop up in almost every conversation with a new person, and even if it is a little tiresome to explain her own situation every time she can appreciate the convenience of a conversational building block.
Beatrice follows Venus out of the classroom, "Uh...I'm a business major." She answered. It wasn't a lie, but there was a slight hesitation in her voice. She didn't like the topic of her major because she didn't like to advertise that she was a CEO of a fortune 500 company at eighteen years old just because her parents died.
Without thinking, Beatrice looked behind her, just to check to see if her leat favorite omen was manifesting.
She was safe for now.
Bea adjusted her backpack to accommodate her injured shoulder, "What about you? How did you end up in debate?"
“Oh, I don’t have a major yet, but when I do it’ll be chemistry!” Venus explains, one finger trailing along the wall as she sets a good pace down the hallway. It’s pretty empty by now, most everyone having cleared out with the bell. There’s a lot of rushing between classes in college, she’s found. “My guidance counselor said I should take a few electives, and debate sounded interesting enough. It’s really weird how they assign you a side, though. I would’ve thought they’d let us choose.”
Not weird enough that she’d complain about it in front of the professor, but it sure does make her do more research, sometimes. Maybe that’s the point. Teaching them to research both sides. Still, some of the dicier topics she’d prefer not having to dig into.
The troubled look doesn’t stay on her face, sliding off like water as she turns to look over her shoulder at Beatrice. “Do they make all the business majors take debate? It does seem like it might be useful, if you need to umm…” What’s the business major equivalent to patents? “Argue with someone about business stuff, I guess?”
They reach another door, and Venus holds it open properly this time. Ah, fresh air. It’s a really nice day out today! A little brisk, but that’s to be expected around this time of the year.
"It's not a required course, but my major required me to take an elective and the option were limited when I signed up for classes." Beatrice said. "And I suppose we're assigned what side so we can get used to arguing points that we might not agree with."
Beatrice chuckled good naturedly, adjusting her arm in the sling, and walking through the door Venus held open. Her arm was healing but it was still quite sore. "Well...there's not supposed to be arguing in business meetings. There is but we just call that negotiating...Chemistry sounds like an interesting major. I miss taking science courses if I'm being honest, and chemistry was one of my favorites."