Limited Masquerade

This RP is open, but with limitations.


Active member
Nat stood in front of an enormous mirror, a look of displeasure deeply etched into his features as he studied his appearance. His usually wild hair had been tamed down to a slick bun, and his usual attire had been abandoned for a silk lined suit that had been tailored to fit him perfectly. Even then, mere moments before he was to depart for the gala, a tailor made infinitesimal adjustments to the way the clothes clung and fell about Nat’s frame.

”Remember, you’re representing your father’s interests here. Many of the attendees are long term clients who appreciate strong family bonds. For the love of God, Nathaniel. Try to smile and at least look like you are enjoying yourself.”

Nat turned, the tailor at his heel pivoting silently and following his motion as the teen faced the woman who spoke to him. Her features were as sharp as her voice, all angles and hooked nose, adorned with rectangular glasses that she wore so low Nat couldn’t understand how they served any purpose.

”Aren’t you the one who usually handles these things?” Julia Freidman was practically his father’s right hand, and was usually entrusted with whatever matters he didn’t have time for himself.

”I’m not an Amagiri, Nathaniel.” Nat hated the way she called him by his full name, a trait all of his father’s cronies seemed to carry. ”We considered letting your grandfather handle this one, but…”

Julia didn’t need to finish the thought. Nat sighed and the tailor stepped away. A look was exchanged between Julia and the tailor, a soft shrug from the latter spurring the former into action. Like a whirlwind of bony limbs the woman swept Nat toward the door, hand to her ear as she spoke to his security detail.

”Baby Bird is ready to fly. Pull the car around.” Sometimes Nat thought she made up those little codenames just to piss him off. A shove to his back caused Nat to stumble as he stepped into the elevator, though he turned with a polite smile before the doors closed. Just quick enough to flip Julia a middle finger for good luck.

Less than five minutes later and Nat’s face was already tired from holding that same, false smile as an older man rattled on and on about something Nat had stopped listening to nearly as soon as he had spoken. The old man clearly knew him, had even called to him as Nat as though they spoke often. Nat had no clue who he was, but had waved and thus opened the door to this particular form of torture.

”And you know what my granddaughter told me, young man? She told me I was cringe! Now I might not be hip to the way kids talk but even I know that was not kind! I took that Mercedes right back to the lot and told her she could keep driving last year’s model while she thought about how cringe I was.” The old man began to laugh, though at first Nat thought it was a dry cough.

Awkwardly Nat tried to chuckle as well, the laughter that he forced out so obviously fake that someone nearby turned to stare. It did nothing to dissuade the old man’s humor, though, as he clapped Nat on the shoulder and coughed even harder.

”Kids these days should have respect for their elders.” Nat was fairly certain the old man’s granddaughter was at least a few years older than him, but he seemed to have spoken the correct passphrase to earn the man’s approval.

”Quite right, quite. If only more of them were like you, Nat. You’re always so polite, indulging old men like me.” For a moment Nat felt guilty for his inability to remember the man’s name. ”Ah, I should let you get to the party! No sense in wasting any more of your youth with my dusty old self. Go mingle!” It was the second time Nat was shoved forward that evening, and he didn’t appreciate it any more.

He offered a polite nod and a smile, though, before he made a beeline for what acted as concessions at the little soirée. He snatched a glass of wine, daring someone to stop him as he drank its entirety in a few gulps. He hated these things, rubbing elbows with people who knew nothing of the world beyond their pocketbooks. Silently he prayed for some rescue, some tragedy to befall the party that would, at the very least, be more enjoyable than this.
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Beatrice had kept the nosering and the black lipstick, but had opted for a more subtle, grey dress with pink accents, and a pair of pink flats. Beatrice was tall enough where wearing heels might intimidate others, especailly at her age. She was eighteen, and amongst a crowd like this it was difficult to be taken seriously.

A few months ago her Uncle Amos would have been able to make the excuse she was a minor, and her presence unwarranted, but now legally a CEO, Beatrice had become accustomed to enduring this sort of setting. It was easier, putting on a corporate mask and navigating the trivial conversations of a rich person, than having a conversation with a classmate.

She greeted a hawkish looking woman, and quickly excused herself in search of a drink, discovering another young man, who also was not legally able to drink alcohol, snatch a glass of wine as if holding on for dear life. He was either extremely nervous, or extremely put out. He looked around her age, maybe younger. Bea didn't drink alcohol, but she selected a virgin pina colada, and gently whispered to the man, with a bit of levity, "I can always pull a fire alarm if you need a quick exit."
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”Might be better to actually set the place on fire.” Nat responded to the humor without thinking, an immediate response he regretted the instant he realized he had spoken aloud.

He looked up from his glass hastily, apology on his lips as his eyes fell on a young woman near enough his own age, as far as he could tell. She stood out from the others, perhaps in spite of the neutral tones she wore or because of them, adorned with a piercing and dark makeup that contrasted deeply with how bright and flashy the few other young women were dressed.

”I don’t believe we’ve met.” A quick run through his acquaintances from the Academy confirmed his words as he spoke. ”I’m Nathaniel Amagiri. My father owns Amagiri International.” Nat offered a small bow, as his father might have in lieu of a handshake. He imagined Julia cheering silently in a corner for his good behavior and it eased his guilt for the rashly spoken response.

As he rose from his bow a genuine smile crossed his expression, different in its mischievous twist. ”I might end up taking you up on that offer. The party has only just started, after all.”
"Beatrice Waters," She said, smiling faintly at his bow. It was a sweet, gentlemanly gesture. She gently dipped her knees into a very shallow curtsey in return. It strained her bad leg, but it had healed enough where it wasn't a terrible bother. The three-quarter sleeves on her dress concealed the scarring on her shoulder, but Nat would be able to notice a stiffness to her left arm and she didn't move it as often.

"I'm the CEO of Waters Pharmaceuticals., and I don't think we've meet either, Mr. Amagiri." Beatrice took a sip of her drink, dropping her voice once more, "And as tempting as it sounds, I'd rather not be arrested for arson tonight. Though may I ask what the source of trouble is? The people or the party itself?"
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There was a strain to Beatrice’s slight curtsey, a stiffness on one side that spoke of injury in a language of the body reserved for those who had studied it, be it through medicine or martial arts. She covered it well, without it affecting her expression. Nat didn’t consider himself impressed easily, but he believed there was a strength to the young CEO that she might not quite recognize just yet. The idea made him feel like he was turning into his grandfather, and a wide grin responded her words.

”The people, the party, the premise of this entire social circle if I’m being honest with you.” His grin faded somewhat as he turned toward the main body of the party-goers in question. ”Everyone here is lying through their teeth. The party itself is publicly a charity function, but little money is going to actually be given tonight, despite the multitude of extremely wealthy people in this room.”

Nat sighed, and set his empty glass down with what was left of his smile. ”The people then paint themselves as whatever they think the others want them to be. No one here is being who they truly are, they’re just pretending to be what someone else expects.” Nat turned back to Bea with something of a dark look fleeting across his expression, a weight uncanny for someone his age. ”I just think, if you’re going to wear a mask, it should be of who you actually want to be.”

A heartbeat passed, and suddenly Nat’s characteristic grin returned. ”You said Waters Pharmaceuticals, right? I think Amagiri International actually has a few accounts with your company, Ms. Beatrice.”
Lying. Masks. To Beatrice his words seemed more like accusations than reflections. No one in this room lied more than she did. Every handshake, smile, and company meeting was a mask, something to give pretense to the facade that she was normal. Human, instead of whatever metas were.

Beatrice wore her mask well, and any change in her expression would have been minute, "Well you can be assured that Waters Pharma handles its philanthropy ethically. It's one of my favorite parts about being rich- being able to give it all away." It wasn't a lie. She enjoyed being able to help others- it what was had driven her to the folly of thinking maybe she could use her powers for good. However her time in Pittsburg had proved otherwise.

"And yes, we probably do," Bea said. "We ship a lot of our raw components from overseas, and Amagiri has always been reliable. I'm pleased to put a face to the name of one of our companies contributors."

Beatrice sipped her drink, and looked at Nat again. She enjoyed his honesty, which made her feel like she was lying all the more. "Who do you want to be, Mr. Amagiri?"
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There was a moment of silence after her question, Nat almost seeming frozen with his eyes on the mingling beau monde. Though his grin did not fade he seemed momentarily distant, lost in thought as he considered Beatrice’s words.

”I can’t say I don’t have many masks,” he turned his gaze back to her, hardened steel with his expression so flippant otherwise. ”Who I really want to be is probably in the overlap, somewhere. I can’t really be sure yet. I’m still trying to figure that out.” His gaze softened with his grin to an oddly wizened and knowing smile. ”We’re young, after all. We shouldn’t be expected to have it all figured out already.”

A buzzing from his pocket, barely audible, diverted Nat’s attention. With a gesture he mouthed a request for a moment and pulled his phone free, message alert flashing across the screen as he read it quickly and slipped the device back. ”You wouldn’t be interested in ditching this party for something a little more interesting, would you?” When his eyes turned back to Bea the mischievous grin had returned to its place, and the hint of mischief glimmered from his gaze just as keenly.
Beatrice listened politely, finishing her drink and setting it aside. Then Nat checked his phone, trouble in his eyes. The kind of look Mary had worn, but less crazed and more mischievous. She could see him forming a plan in his head, and for a moment she thought thre might be an emergency he had to handle. Then he asked her to leave with him.

Beatrice hesitated. The last time she had ran off with someone it had ended...badly. Very badly. Even if she had gotten blood samples from two metas. She had no desire to repeat the experience. She smoothed her dress absentmindedly, "Well you'd have to tell a girl where you plan to take her, Mr. Amagiri."

There was nothing suggestive about her comment, but rather a boundary. She needed to know before she left.
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The hint of trouble didn’t fade despite Nat’s posture shifting into mock defense, hands raised in protest. ”Certainly nowhere unseemly, if that’s what you’re thinking Ms. Waters.” A heavy chuckle lowered his hands and erased the mischief as well. ”I was going to meet up with some friends from school later. Just have to pick something up a few blocks away, first.”

Nat motioned toward the charity banquet dismissively. ”Honestly I just thought you would be more comfortable tagging along than you would be here.” It was clear he was speaking frankly, and whatever mischief he had planned before wasn’t an obstruction to his veracity. ”How long has it been since you’ve seen how normal people have fun?” He spoke the last words as temptation, almost intimate as he weaponized what little he had gleaned from their conversation and the observational skills Todd had cultivated.

”If you’re worried about your safety I can personally assure that you won’t even suffer a scratch.”
"Well," Beatrice murmured. She needed a moment to consider. That last time someone had made her that exact same promise, people had ended up dead. People had been hurt. Buildings and been burned and-


Beatrice pushed the thoughts down before she started a panic. Even now she could smell the beginnings of faint smoke in the air. She took a breath, and looked at Nat. He didn't have the same wild look that Mary had, the one that begged for trouble. No, his gaze was gentler and sincere. He reminded her a bit of Isaiah.

How long has it been since you've seen how normal people have fun?

That question alone made Beatrice cringe internally. Honestly? Never. She'd always been subject to dull parties like this, or isolated from her peers, even the years she had been allowed to attend Convent at Sacred Heart in Brooklyn. She'd never been on a date, been to a rager or drank alchohol- much less done anything crazy. After the incident with the Astro Van, and the gang with Mary, Beatrice was hesitant to accept.

But she still couldn't stand to be here one second longer.

"I didn't mean anything by it," Beatrice said. She didn't want to imply Nat had been anything less than a gentlmen. "If you'd like the company- pardon the pun- I'll come with."
If he was bothered at all by Beatrice’s pun Nat’s wild smile hid it well. It was almost as though a switch had been flipped with her acceptance, a more expressive happiness pouring from him as he clapped his hands together sharply.

”Amazing,” he said to acknowledge her acceptance. For a moment he looked around, searching for something not quite evident until his target was homed in on. The elderly man had been meandering about the event almost unseen, silver tray in hand with a single pen and piece of paper resting on top. Nat offered no explanation as he made straight for the man and his paper, taking the slip in hand without a word.

A few scribbles later and Nat had replaced the page, an account of the promised donations that likely would never see their recipients. He had written a large sum, an apology of sorts with the knowledge that he was about to abandon the event altogether. ”Now that I’ve done my part, let’s get the hell out of here!”

Without thought he held his hand out to Bea, expecting her to take it so that he could drag her along with him through the door. Julia’s gaze could be felt from somewhere nearby, likely staring daggers into the boy for his plans. A problem to be dealt with later; she wasn’t likely to try to stop him and cause a scene.
While Nat handled the apologies and bribery. Beatrice grabbed her shawl, draping it over her shoulders and ensured she still had her clutch and cellphone. She had wished she had brought more comfortable shoes, but then again she hadn't been expecting an adventure. Even now she was doubting her choice to go. Given her history with the city, she was just as likely to be kidnapped or murdered as she was to have a good time with a few kids her age.

That somehow unsettled Beatrice more than the prospect of fighting for her life against a lowlife metahuman. At least then she knew somewhat how to handle herself. People her own age? That was a whole other beast. Nevertheless, she could hardly back out now, and Nat's enthusiasm was a breath of fresh air. It didn't stop her from texting the company driver who she was with, and when he could expect her back. One could never be too careful.

When he came to collect her, Beatrice accepted Nat's hand, and let him escort her out of the party and into the city, a bit out of place due to their formal dress. However, with the light dusting of snow, the streetlights and stars, it almost could have been called romantic.

"So, Mr. never told me exactly where we are going- or what we're doing."