Approved Mane


  • Name: Kenta Tsunoda.
  • Alias: Mane.
  • Occupation: Murder-for-hire.
  • Age: 27 y/o.
  • Height: 5’7.
  • Weight: 155 lbs (excluding hair).
  • Sex: Male.
  • Hair: Black.
  • Eyes: Brown.

History: Born in Nagoya, Japan, in the late 1990s, Kenta Tsunoda had the misfortune of having a father in severe debt to the Yakuza, the infamous Japanese organized crime syndicate. After Tsunoda’s mother died giving birth to their second child, Kenta’s younger sister, their father began drinking heavily, and became addicted to gambling in underground casinos. Accumulating severe debt, he was eventually strongarmed into selling his children to the Yakuza. What became of the elder Tsunoda is unknown, but it can be assumed he met an unfortunate end not long after, as his self-destructive spiral only deepened. The Yakuza sought to put Kenta to work in a sweatshop, and his sister Ayane was meant to be trafficked, but when Kenta became aware of this prospect, his latent metahuman ability activated, and he killed several Yakuza soldiers with his prehensile hair.

Seeing potential in Kenta, the head of that branch of the Yakuza struck a deal with the young metahuman- his sister would remain safe and be taken care of, if he would use his abilities in service to the syndicate. Tsunoda agreed, seeing little other option, and was molded into an assassin. By the age of twenty, Kenta had more than fifty kills to his name, and all remorse about the line of work he’d found himself in had long since departed.

Today, Kenta has worked off his ‘debt’ to the Yakuza, and now operates as a free agent, primarily working contracts from his former employers, but also taking bids from their competitors. He has traveled the world, killing on behalf of the Italian ‘Ndrangheta, the Russian Bratva, and most recently, a variety of American gangs. This line of work has brought him to the city of Pittsburgh, where he’s been hired to help rid the city of its persistent vigilante problem.

He has all but forgotten about his sister.

Abilities: Tsunoda’s metahuman ability is trichokinesis, the ability to mentally manipulate his own body hair. This primarily manifests through the hair on his head, though he has demonstrated the ability to apply it to other parts of his body as well. Tsunoda’s control over his hair is powerful and precise enough to use his hair like a whip, the tip of which can even reach the speed of sound. Despite appearing like ordinary hair, it possesses a number of unique biological properties related to Tsunoda’s metahuman ability. Notably, it’s significantly stronger than ordinary hair, requiring more force to destroy, proving resistant to flame, blade, and chemical treatment. Tsunoda can also use his hair to list objects that are significantly heavier than what he could ordinarily lift on his own, possibly by extending the telekinetic field that allows him to manipulate his hair onto the object in question, as there is obviously no musculature that could support such incredible physical feats. When his hair is destroyed or damaged, Tsunoda has also demonstrated the capacity to rapidly regrow it, which he also uses to extend his hair to arbitrary lengths in combat, reaching across a room almost instantly. The rate at which Tsunoda can grow or extend his hair appears capped at about six inches per second. Thus far, the maximum observed range of this growth is about thirty yards, although maintaining control of such a volume appears to be more difficult, and Tsunoda rarely extends his hair beyond ten to fifteen yards in most scenarios.

Tsunoda’s fine control allows him to, for instance, pick locks by feeding his hair into a keyhole, or even insert his hair into an individual’s ears or nose, and wrap his hair around their brain from the inside, a method he has used in the past to commit murder without leaving any visible wounds on the body. When in danger, Tsunoda has demonstrated the ability to wrap himself in armor made of hair, which allows him to resist a significant amount of damage, although it does not make him completely bulletproof.


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