Philadelphia had become the home of Slate– and as a result, Fire Opal– over the last five years. Slate had been going strong for almost a decade now, and only showed signs of gaining more traction in the states. They’d even been informed of several overseas operations in the works. Of course, that wasn’t really Fire Opal’s expertise.
Like Malachite, Fire Opal was one of their heavy hitters. She was the one they sent in when there were problems. She was their tank, their defender, their final solution. After all, not much could compare to superhuman strength and fire. It was that fire that she used to burn down other gangs and entities that stood in their way. Of course, Obsidian had a no-kill policy when it came to her– something about not tainting her soul. Whatever the case, that didn’t stop her from breaking some bones.
She had just gotten back from one such mission– three injured, two surrendered, and two warehouses burnt to a crisp– and was looking for her brother. Usually, he was in the Emerald, but she had searched everywhere but his office, only to find the place completely empty. That was odd, but not not completely out of the norm. Sometimes the Pack went out, and she wasn’t expected back until the next day. Still, better to check his office before deciding that he wasn’t home.
She started up the stairs, but stopped after a foot or two. Her head tilted to the side as she felt the vibrations through the floorboards. Footsteps in Obsidian’s office… footsteps that weren’t his.
Just like that, She rolled her shoulders back and straightened out, a sharp smile on her face. An intruder? In the Emerald? Fire Opal cracked her neck and started down the hall, her steps light on the wooden floors to avoid being heard. She breathed in slowly, channeling heat into her body as she got close to the door. Now, she could hear the sound of someone inside, though what they were doing, she couldn’t quite tell.
She stretched her arms above her head and sighed softly, then carefully opened the door. She leaned against the door frame as she stepped in. Her orange curls fell in rivers down to her waist, her golden eyes flashing. She was wearing a pair of black sweats and a black long sleeve, but was barefoot. A grin crossed her face as she looked into the room. “What do we have here, hmm? A thief or an intruder?”