Closed Acquisition

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Staff member
New York City, 2027.

Recent case. Mass poisoning at a high school- about two hundred taken ill, no casualties, perpetrator confirmed and in custody. Existing PMPD diagnosis: ethanol secretion from glands under the skin. Medical notes say an increase in concentration was likely as she aged, but this fact seems to have been ignored until it was too late. Lab results suggest current concentration to be approximately 80%- I'm sure I could get a more accurate result myself, but I'd rather not.

This is the final step in the process for her- I'm here to debrief, explain what's going to happen, and discourage her from pulling any stunts like this again.

No PPE required. Shockingly, I've been exposed to ethanol before.

Christ. Six weeks in intensive care, and he was back to work the next Tuesday. Though he understood why his involvement was requested, it went without saying that he would've appreciated the time off. Another week would've been perfect- or at least enough time for the feeling to return to his right hand. Still, at least they didn't call him in when they first caught her. Having to conduct an interview from a hospital bed with a teenager suspected of poisoning her classmates- well, it would've been a bit dramatic, he thought. A bit unnecessary. Quite why precautions hadn't been taken before this incident was unknown to him, but he supposed there wasn't much they could do about it anyway, if the chemical came from her sweat.

Her case files were tucked under his left arm- a fairly expansive document, now that the relevant tests and interviews had been carried out. Gaz carried it uncomfortably down the hall, trying his best to hold both it and a mug of tea without spilling either. He could make this quick, at least. There was no more waiting for results, no more research to be done- all he had to do was close the case, really.

He opened the door to the room she was in, and raised the mug of tea as a substitute wave.