Recent content by UmbraSight

  1. UmbraSight

    Closed RP Between the Lions

    “There are people who climb skyscrapers and stuff so you could probably look up how they do that online.” Eli said, squinting into the gloom of the library as if that would make said gloom any less gloomy. It did not. But Adelyn seemed like she could see! Or — wait was her being around going to...
  2. UmbraSight

    RP [Kat] Doki-Doki Channel!

    The park had been nice, perhaps twenty minutes ago when the flowers were still in the ground and the benches weren’t a smoldering heap of wood and twisted metal. Also, when there had been less screaming at that time, on the account of everyone enjoying the pleasant day out today. On the bright...
  3. UmbraSight

    RP [Illi] Doki-Doki Channel!

    A faraway look came to Monarch’s eye, a bit like when you caught someone in the middle of a day dream. The woman’s gaze drifted away from Karen’s hand to stare at something, or maybe it was better to say at nothing? Yuina wasn’t really sure which. The smile was gone as well, replaced by the...
  4. UmbraSight

    CS DDC: Witch Compendium

    C.S Name: Chika Maeda Magical Girl Alias: Luminocity Original Strand: 0[x] Age: 18 Personality: Chika is a cheerful girl, one of the brightest around in any situation she finds herself in. Quick with a smile, quick to introduce herself to someone new or try to have a chat with someone off on...
  5. UmbraSight

    RP What Shadows Lie

    “The workplace accident paperwork is a real pain, you know.” Rei said, shifting her weight as the door slid open with a vocal protest of squeaky wood that had been happy to remain where it had been moldering. Perhaps it could get fixed up someday, but that sort of work wasn’t hers to worry...
  6. UmbraSight

    Closed RP Between the Lions

    “Y-yeah thanks I’ve had a bit of practice.” Eli said, a wide grin spreading across her lips as Adelyn complimented her. That gave her a warm fuzzy feeling that made her feel like she really wanted to hop up to her feet or give Adelyn a big hug. That’s weird too wasn’t it? But they were friends...
  7. UmbraSight

    Closed RP A Small Happening on the Corner of Sixth and Liberty

    There was a screech of rubber as the car cut a hard right, the driver hitting the brakes hard in an attempt to shake off their unwanted passenger. This sound was soon followed by a rather more unpleasant sound of metal scraping across concrete as the car ‘thumped’ up onto the sidewalk and hit...
  8. UmbraSight

    RP Involerra Academy of the Adventuring Arts

    As Shuye lifted her hand to wave goodbye to the man and his collection of boxes, which in her retreat left her with the sinking feeling that she had already attempted the suggested road and that it had not taken her to Involerra. Still, the street he told her to turn onto didn’t have a name that...
  9. UmbraSight

    The Road to Tullybrook

    “That’s true enough, your powers are your own dear.” Sae said, her voice turning gentle as she addressed the nervously fidgeting hat. She smiled, her gaze turning to the boat again as she took in the weight of this odd little miracle. Selfish fool her for asking the little sorcerer to perform a...
  10. UmbraSight

    RP Involerra Academy of the Adventuring Arts

    For all it was worth, Shuye had been to a large (ish) town (ish again) before. Now, some might argue that ruins weren’t a town but it was certainly the shape of a town wasn’t it? Ambling streets which turned themselves in odd curves between the tattered skeletons of once-buildings that had been...
  11. UmbraSight

    CS DDC: Witch Compendium

    C.S Name: Kouyou Chidori Magical Girl Alias: PsychOut Original Strand: O Age: 17 Personality: Kouyou is a free spirit, the sort of person who follows their whims, that said she has a solid sense of right and wrong and a bad habit of sticking her nose where some might say it doesn’t belong...
  12. UmbraSight

    RP Shinjuku Academy Paranormal Investigation Club

    “Mm, I guess it’s not impossible that a little animal did all this.” Akina said, picking up a handful of earrings and turning them over in her hand. Little animals did like shiny things, or birds did at least but it was pretty well organized up here wasn’t it? Well, not well organized in the...
  13. UmbraSight

    The Road to Tullybrook

    Sae didn’t run, though grand-uncle Eloise would have called her a fool girl for staying where she stood, though she always thought he just liked calling others fools. The ship turning to dust then turning itself back into a ship again did certainly give the wild elf a bit of a shock, even if you...
  14. UmbraSight

    The Road to Tullybrook

    “That’s…” Sae’s brow knit as she looked down at the no-longer wiggling thing. Life magic was this? Rally called it feeding too, so was it the spirit of the thing they needed to eat? There was something there that Sae felt like she needed to pick at, like having a bit of food caught in the back...
  15. UmbraSight

    Open Involerra Academy of the Adventuring Arts

    Name: Shuye of the Honeygrass Springs Age: 16 Gender: Female Species: Drow Class Expectation: Cavalier Backstory: There was a story Shuye always liked about a distant land where water turned to stone in the places where it gathered in its multitudes and stone burst through the earth in...