Recent content by Someguy500

  1. Someguy500

    Event 6th Annual PMPD Benefit Gala

    Thermodynamic lifted his mask back over his nose and mouth before he firmly returned the handshake. "I'm flattered that you've heard of me, Scramjet. The States have been quite welcoming, I must say. I'll admit Washington is more foreign than familiar, but I'll get used to it in time. It's...
  2. Someguy500

    Event 6th Annual PMPD Benefit Gala

    "You ever ice anyone?" Thermodynamic let the question hang in the air for a moment as he sipped his wine. 'Ice', of course, being slang meaning 'to kill', if he was correct. He took a moment to consider what exactly Monsoon's goal was, here. Was he trying to get him to say something like...
  3. Someguy500

    Event 6th Annual PMPD Benefit Gala

    Hwan withdrew his hand at what seemed to be a good time. "Ah. No, I don't believe we've met." He wasn't sure how capes in the States were with their names, but Op-sec reminded him that there were very few ways to un-disclose information, and even fewer good ways. Besides, it was unlikely that...
  4. Someguy500

    Event 6th Annual PMPD Benefit Gala

    Han Dong-Hwan, alias Thermodynamic, was wearing a white shirt and grey vest with matching slacks, and had traded his signature hardened Cloak mask for a regular surgical one. Perhaps he was a little dressed-down for such a high-profile event, but he wasn't here to stand out. He had arrived late...
  5. Someguy500

    RP [Ter] Doki-Doki Channel!

    Even though she was the one who offered the handshake, Sei still had to stop herself from jolting when Ayane took it. The slight warmth of physical contact with another person, even through her gloves, yanked Sei back down to Earth. She mentally scanned what she'd just said; nothing rude or...
  6. Someguy500

    RP [Ter] Doki-Doki Channel!

    "Eh-whuh? Um." Sei stammered for a second before straightening herself out. What was she on about earlier? Not now, Shirogane. Focus. "Yeah, it'd be good. Er, to help you out, I mean. I have to admit though, my magic is a lot less elegant than yours. N-not that that's a good thing, haha." Sei...
  7. Someguy500

    RP [Ter] Doki-Doki Channel!

    "Oh, that's nice." Oh. Sei feared that she might've invited herself onto a ride that lasted a lot longer than she was comfortable with. Not to be impolite, she admired Ayane's sketch, which was, to be fair, really well done. Wow, she could be a professional artist if she wasn't a Witch, it was...
  8. Someguy500

    RP [Ter] Doki-Doki Channel!

    "Two years, huh? I guess that would make you my senior then, right?" While partially a joke, Sei did also mean it in earnest. She scratched the back of her head, trying not to seem too rude, saying that. "I hear working for Doki-Doki Channel is quite different from my previous job at Majouplex...
  9. Someguy500

    CS DDC: Witch Compendium

    CS Name: Aiba Chiaki Magical Girl Alias: Knight of Gaia Original Strand: G, Rank 15 Age: 20 Personality: A good way to describe Aiba is "dispassionate until further notice". She's fun-loving, in a very certain way. Laid back and cool at rest, she's irreverent, sarcastic and generally someone...
  10. Someguy500

    CS DDC: Witch Compendium

    CS Name: Zhang Jia Wu Magical Girl Alias: Automaton General Original Strand: G Rank 14 Age: 24 Personality: Someone her age shouldn't be struggling with their own identity, or at least that's what she's told. Sometimes she questions which thoughts she holds are really hers, and which were...
  11. Someguy500

    RP [Ter] Doki-Doki Channel!

    [Ter] Sei arrived at the academy not very long before the agreed meeting time with her new partner. Walking around in a school at her age felt strange and a little unnerving, but the occasional older "student" that passed her by reminded her of its second purpose as a training ground. Reaching...