Recent content by Orange

  1. O

    Closed RP And Coffee, Friends

    For a brief moment, Matsumoto had felt Eloise's arm he felt the mechanism moving. The gears turned, the joints clicked and the rod elongated or shortened depending on her movement. It wasn't unheard of for him that objects had “souls” or “spirits” in many of the myths and legends he had heard as...
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    RP Involerra Academy of the Adventuring Arts

    Suddenly, Darkwing extended his wings and cawed back toward the way he had come. Arvyn curious about this sudden change in behavior turned his head and saw a girl with her bow in hand. She seemed to not but staring at him but at his raven. Why? The realization hit him a moment later, “you were...
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    RP Involerra Academy of the Adventuring Arts

    Arvyn loved the feeling of flight well; he couldn't so much as feel it as he merely saw through his raven familiar. On these opportunities when, he could take control of his raven Darkwing and fly through the city, learning every nook and cranny. Drestel had stores and culture he never would've...
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    Closed RP And Coffee, Friends

    Matsumoto was ready with his reply he believed in the question and the answer. The question was simple "What could science explain?" The answer was simple "Everything" so even as he turned his head to watch Eloise he said, "Of course Ms. Hope but that's the issue at hand isn't it? If you and...
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    Open Involerra Academy of the Adventuring Arts

    Name: Arvyn Ravenwalker Class: Wizard Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 17 Backstory: Arvyn could remember them ever since he was a kid. A strange group traveling along the road. He had asked his Pa who they were. He knew now that his Pa had answered with no small amount of derision and...
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    RP Aspiring Candidates Found

    Matsumoto stopped in his tracks before getting too far. He had gotten ahead of himself and had been rude to Hope. As contrition, he bowed slightly and waited watching her. Waiting for her invitation to continue to the room where we would be interviewed. Instead she opened her hand revealing a...
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    RP Aspiring Candidates Found

    As Matsumoto stood there shocked by the imperial uniform the interviewers for the ACF came to greet us and introduce themselves. For whatever reason he was wearing his grandfathers old uniform. A symbol of the old order that led to the deaths of millions. He wondered if the Americans would see...
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    RP Aspiring Candidates Found

    Matsumoto Takei arrived about thirty minutes before his interview was set to begin. Back home he knew that would mean he was late for being early. The American friends he had made while in the United States had told him that wasn't true here but the cultural expectation put upon him since he was...
  9. O

    Closed Applicant Contractor’s Forms

    Applicant Contractor’s Form Full Legal Name: Matsumoto Takei Preferred Names: Date of Birth [DD/MM/YYYY]: 25/08/2003 Basic physical Description: 68 kg 1.8 m Black hair Hazel eyes Position Applying For [Mark One] Agent[Class B] [Researcher[Class B]] [Cataloger[Class B]] If Agent...
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    RP Between Stolen Stars (Open!)

    "Honestly, I'm not even sure if I'm alive," Magnus pushed himself upright and swung his legs around off the bed. He barely managed to hold back a scream, "guess I have a few good years left before I get my retirement plan." He smiled he knew what his retirement plan was going to be. The...
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    RP Between Stolen Stars (Open!)

    Magnus stared up at the Krake as his eyes finished rebooting letting out a groan. He heard the Krake speak but didn't answer as he tried to remember what happened. It wasn't difficult to remember as his memory and fear were still fresh. A surge of pain shot through his left leg as he tried to...
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    RP Between Stolen Stars (Open!)

    Magnus smiled back at Pulse, “I'm sure the lady here won't mind a little bit of sharing. As long as we treat her right of course.” He noticed how her smile grew even wider with the mention of Republic officials but took it more as being happy at their deaths. Sounds were heard in the back and as...
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    RP Between Stolen Stars (Open!)

    “I agree,” Magnus had been concerned about the nano-cat but it seemed it couldn't be damaged. He holstered his weapon even as Dandy turned toward him. The truth was he knew he couldn't damage the android. He had thought others would draw their weapons too. His cybernetic eyes were capable of...
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    RP Between Stolen Stars (Open!)

    It was never good to call attention to yourself. It was a rather early lesson Magnus had learned early as a spy. Everyone in his profession had learned that lesson early. Calling attention to yourself would bring more attention to activities you didn't want others to notice. It was more instinct...
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    RP Between Stolen Stars (Open!)

    Antimony never had a bunch of intoxicants. Lighting a match while outside you were lucky if the acid rain got it first and not a pocket of flammable gas finally spewing up from the planet. There was also the issue of being drunk or high and just walking out the door. Most people on Antimony had...