Recent content by crazyginger28

  1. crazyginger28

    Chat Thread

    Don't you hate being blocked by someone who said they wanted to roleplay with you?
  2. crazyginger28

    Hey ya

    Hello all! I'm Lynn. I'm almost 28 year old mom of 2 girls with one on the way. I've been married for almost 7 years. I'm the eldest of ten kids. I had a dog who passed back in November unexpectedly. I love crafting in general but love to diamond paint and crochet the best. I love playing...
  3. crazyginger28

    1x1 Smiley's Request Thread, A Little Something For Everyone

    I'm down :) I don't see your plot ideas. What are you the mood for right now?
  4. crazyginger28

    1x1 Fxm

    Hey I'm looking for a fxm (me playing the female) detailed (4-5 senctences) mature rp. I have no plot ideas but want to do a fu thriller apocalypse type RP
  5. crazyginger28

    Bored with an awful migraine

    Bored with an awful migraine